Saturday, September 4, 2010

BP_Diigo Groups

My Diigo Page:
At the time of this screenshot several of my critical friends had yet to accept my invitation to my Diigo page and one member is following me but doesn't show up as following my group. So, needless to say, I am still learning my way through this web tool. Also, I am following Rena's Diigo page, but can't get into the Ripples group.

I have 5 people and Rena invited to this group. Only 2 people are part of the group. 1 member is following me but not showing in the group as a member, and two others have yet to accept the invite since I sent out the invites earlier in the week. I would love it if more people joined my group, but I honestly am having trouble navigating around this platform and that is saying a lot since I usually can figure these things out. Anyhow, if anyone reads this feel free to search for my group on Diigo and follow along. It is titled:  "peglows action research project"

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